Averil King (no relation), who is the chairperson of Mid Dorset and North Poole UKIP has a letter in tonight's Daily Echo making some very good points in opposition to the Government's plans for ID cards.
Good for Averil.
I'm opposed to the ID card scheme. It will be a huge intrusion in to our privacy and it wastes money which could be so better spent elsewhere (for example, helping the Home Office keep track of convicted offenders).
1 comment:
Whilst I'm not adverse to having an ID card that contains essential data in one document - driving license details, passport number/data, blood type and any critical medical conditions - the idea of a biometric card that will contain everything that defines our lives is quite frankly very troublesome. Not only is it open to abuse from outside, especially as "standard" ID theft continues to increase, but I also question the government's integrity and their resistance to any tempting offers from private companies who would love to buy portions of its citizens' private data. Furthermore, the ID card scheme is a big step towards the "Big Brother state" which is fast becoming a reality under New Labour.
A more sensible measure would be to invest the billions of pounds that the scheme will cost into training local police officers who can tackle crime where it originates - the streets and the neighbourhoods. The argument that these ID cards will prevent terrorism will be negated if the government also invests some of this money into recruiting and training extra MI5 and SIS officers who can take an active role in monitoring and combating terrorist-related activity. As we have found with speed cameras, machines and computers can never beat the sheer effectiveness and intelligence of a human being.
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