Ms Toynbee made the prediction that we would become wealthier, healthier and safer next year, as we have done in each of the past ten years.
She also predicted that we would also not feel any of these things and as a result moan more than we had in the previous year.
Surely that's the point. It's not whether we are, according to statistics, wealthier, healthier or safe, the salient point is whether we feel that way or not.
National GDP may have risen and the economy may continue to grow, that doesn't mean that I am feeling any wealthier at the end of this year than I did at the end of last. I also know that my taxes have increased, as has my mortgage, as has the cost of running my car.
I also know that the turnover of my business has decreased, that I am facing greater costs as an employer due to increased legislation, taxation and regulation.
We may be living longer yet that doesn't mean I am feeling any healthier or that my family is any better off health wise. I know that my family might be healthy, but also that access to NHS services has not improved and that my mother is still facing a month long wait for an appointment at her local pain relief clinic.
Crime statistics may show that the level of crime is decreasing nationally, however my experience this year has been to have my car broken in to twice, two more times than in any of the previous five years. I hear daily from people that they feel there is no point reporting minor crime because the police are unable to respond quickly and seem unable to offer any prospect that the culprits will be caught.
Isn't it about time that commentators like Ms Toynbee stopped talking about the national statistics and started viewing the everyday experiences of real people? Then she might understand why people are likely to complain more in the coming year.
very well put, nick. it's time for good local represenatives to take charge and to give us all a reason not to complain - we need to see results here in dorset, not just from generalised statistics. we need an MP who will listen and who will work with local councils to give us a long-term strategy to combat a big mixture of possible problems:- crime, traffic congestion, quality of healthcare, awareness of social issues, more time spent listening to young people, more dynamic thinking with regard to our local schools, etc, etc.
Further to Ms Toynbee statement about increased wealth, health and security over the past 10 years I would like to know where this utopia is that she speaks of? I haven't witnessed this, I have witnessed my increased council tax payments and decreased grant from central Government, which oddly didn't apply when Labour had majority control at Bradford Met, is this jerry mandering by another name?
I witnessed my mother's very painful 6 year wait for knee surgery and the filthy ward at the local hospital when she was admitted and where on a couple of occasions I rolled up my sleeves and set to with the Vim and plenty of energy
I have witnessed the large numbers of teachers leaving the state education sector (myself among them)as a result of this Government's relentless drive for statistics & tables & testing which have little bearing on the standard and quality overall on education. At the same time I have seen soaring increases in the pass rates for GCSE's coupled with increased illiteracy, perhaps Ms Toynbee has a simple answer for this anomaly?
I have witnessed the deployment of troops in the Balkans, Iraq and Afganistan, over stretched under resourced and fighting in their best & noble tradition for Blair's ill advised adventure in Iraq, there has been condemnation of Kenya more so than Zimbabwe, oh but Mugagbe was a hero of the left, those moral crusaders of the people and justice and liberty seem not to have noticed the mass starvation
I have witnessed the wholesale robbery on pensions, by the now PM, who as Chancellor appeared to manufacture a mircle on the back of enormous debt and cheaply sold Gold reserves, clever that, but those now coping with the mountain of debt should be grateful shouldn't they Ms Toynbee? and as for pensions, well the party that has for years hammered home the maxim Labour is for the interests of ordinary working people and will fight for equality and security in pay & pensions now has to tell us sorry folks nowt in't kitty you'll have to work till you drop
Ms Toynbee I feel a very real need to moan, for there is much to moan about! My hope is that the blickers are off and the spin and deceit is at last being seen through
The Conservatives might not be to your taste Ms Toynbee, but I can't afford this new Labour experiment anymore. The Conservative have so far produced some stimulating and exciting proposals and alas it might pain you but this is true in my case I did have more money in my pocket than I have ever had under this shower! As for the return in the increased services well where the hell is it?
A disgruntled, moaning, chubby, gay, tory northerner and to hell with the pc brigade! please get a grip and stop causing offence by trying to stop causes of offence. Its a nice little earner in the Guardian Jobs page I suppose but that money could be much better spent on services for the whole community
PS I am a big friendly fella none offensive and kind to animals
So your suggestion is the best way to analyse trends in crime is to ignore the overall picture and concentrated on isolated anecdotal evidence from individuals?
Thats a great blueprint for a successful policy.
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